Luton Roma Trust

Welcome to Luton Roma Trust

Luton Roma Trust is a registered charity based in Luton. Our aim is to help the local Roma who have migrated to the UK in recent years to rebuild their lives in the town.

We support the Roma community across three key areas of work:

Empowering the Roma community in Luton
We support members of the to access accommodation, education, welfare, health care and employment. In doing so, we empower the Roma to engage more actively in the life of the town, seek employment, and to understand their community and their rights as citizens of the UK.
Advocating for the Roma community in Luton

To complement the work we do empowering members of the Roma community, we also support the wider community to be inclusive of the Roma community (by raising cultural awareness and advocating for Roma needs, including in public sector and third sector organisations).

Developing a sense of cultural identity
We foster the health of our community through the celebration of Roma culture, language, and heritage and nurturing community-led development initiatives so that our unique community thrives for future generations.

Mission Statement

Luton Roma Trust’s mission is to enhance the lives of one of the most vulnerable minority group in Europe, the Roma and specifically to support the Roma community of Luton to integrate into the wider life of the town.

Our goal is to lift the eyes of the Roma to glimpse a future they may not even have dreamt of, a future beyond persecution or mere survival, and towards a life in which the lowly are lifted up and given the place of honour in the wider community.

The long term focus of our work is therefore on empowering the next generation – many who were born in the UK – to embrace Education, understand it as an opportunity their parents were denied and begin to see it as the gateway into a new life. Here they will retain the best of their Roma traditions, and at the same time want make a real contribution to the community, which has blessed them.

Core Values

Luton Roma Trust has five core values that guide and determine its actions, and each value is a challenge that we seek to live and work to every day.


Luton Roma Trust is committed to relieve the sufferings of the Roma community in Luton and to promote the transformation of their well-being.


Luton Roma Trust believes that every person is created equal and entitled to freedom, justice, peace and opportunity.


Luton Roma Trust follows the teachings of Jesus who calls us to love our neighbours, care for children and challenge injustice.


Luton Roma Trust feels a great responsibility towards the resources entrusted to us by others, whether this is money, time or trust, and we are open and transparent in our reporting.


Luton Roma Trust conducts its activities in a way that is honest, transparent and ethical.